
Sunday, October 31, 2021

“The declaration that humans are as kings is the message of the cross of Jesus, and the anointing of another as King instead is declared by God’s raising of Jesus from the dead. The cross means we are ended, not mended. Humanities history as king was ended there, and God has raised Jesus from the dead to take their place. For they are ‘crucified with Christ and no longer live, but Christ lives in us.’” (Roy Hession, Not I but Christ)
FEASTING ON GOD'S WORD (a short devotion by Pastor Paul Esswein) 

“His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on Him that no one knows but He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is the Word of God.” (Revelation 19:12-13, New International Version)

      The Rider on the white horse is revealed and described in these verses. He is given the name ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’ (v. 16) and is none other than Jesus. In this chapter, He has come down to earth to wage war against the beast, the false prophet and those who follow their deception (v. 20-21). The Rider is victorious over Satan’s army. His description in these verses not only reveal who He is, but also enable and inspire us to worship Him more.

1) ‘Eyes are like blazing fire’.  He has ‘the look’ that is able to penetrate into our hearts and expose what we try to keep hidden from others. He doesn’t focus on outward appearances but sees our thoughts and attitudes. He helps us deal with what we keep hidden from others so we can be healed and set free from hidden sin. As you worship Him, do you let His gaze penetrate and heal your wounded heart?

2) ‘A name written that no one knows.’ Even though these verses reveal something about who Jesus is to us, they do not reveal everything. There are still some mysterious, unknown aspects of Jesus no one knows about or understands. He is unfathomable and beyond fully knowing. When we worship Him, we declare what we know of Him but also admit He is beyond our understanding.

3) ‘Dipped in blood’. His garments are ‘dipped in blood’. This is an ongoing reminder to us that He saved us by shedding His blood on the cross. His blood washes away our sins and releases us from God’s wrath. His great sacrifice on the cross gives life and hope to our weary soul. It is because He shed His blood that we have access to God. We can worship Him because of His sacrifice. When you worship Him, are you mindful of this incredible sacrifice?

4) ‘The Word of God’. He is the Word of God. He came in human flesh to revealed God to us so we can know Him. He also reveals how God wants us to live. He lived as a human being, walked among us, and dwelt in our world to sympathize with our weaknesses and temptations. Jesus is God Incarnate and reveals God’s attributes and will to us. We worship the One who came to earth and shows us how to live. We worship the One who reveals the only way to know the Father.

5) ‘Out of His mouth comes a sharp sword’ (v. 15). This passage also reveals that His words are true and speak directly to our hearts. They speak healing and freedom, but also judgment and revelation of sin. With His words, He will speak the truth. For some people they are words of judgment because of their sins and for others they are words of healing. Those who sincerely seek Him, find words of hope, comfort, and help. Those who are opposed to Him find judgment of their sin. As we worship, do we let His word speak to us? Does it condemn our sin and heal our inner wounds?  

      How do these verses help you worship Him ‘in spirit and truth’? How do they give you a clearer picture of the glorified Jesus? We all are called to worship Jesus. Do these words inspire you or challenge you to worship? May they inspire you to deeper worship of Him who alone is worthy. During this Thanksgiving season may you worship Him with deeper knowledge and passion.


SUNDAY'S FEAST( a list of the Bible verses, sermon titles and Biblical themes Pastor Paul will be preaching on during the month of OCTOBER)

 THE KINGDOM OF GOD, God's Endgame

One of the most important themes (if not the most important) in the Bible is the ‘Kingdom of God’. It is mentioned more than 80 time in the New Testament. What is the Kingdom of God and how does it impact our lives as followers of Christ Jesus? This series of messages looks at some of the many ways this profound concept changes how we live our life. As it is a major theme in the Bible, my prayer is that it will be (if not already) the predominant focus of our lives.

11/7 1Thessalonians 4:8-12          The Witness of We Have

            Because we live in the Kingdom, we have a witness to others who are in the world and not yet under Christ’s rule. Paul outlines that witness to the Thessalonian believers. They; sincerely loved others (v. 9-10), lived in peace (v.11a), worked diligently (v. 11b), and were respected by others (v. 12). Paul was continually grateful to God for these believers and their witness to others. We should be grateful to God for the ongoing witness we have to others and for the church has in the community. We are not perfect, but with God’s help we can have a good testimony of Christ to others. This is essential for living in His Kingdom as good citizens. 

11/14 2 Corinthians 2:14-17          What Fragrance Do We Give Off?

            What kind of fragrance of Jesus do we emit to others? Paul was grateful for the good testimony Titus gave him about the Corinthians believers (v. 13). Their righteous decisions and acts were like a sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Christ to those around them. This fragrance is what we give off when we live in the kingdom as we do right and walk in spiritual victory. The knowledge of Christ is the fragrance we send out to others. Paul writes that: His (Jesus’) leadership is triumphant (v. 14), His message is clear (v. 15-16a), His call is to follow (v. 16b), and His Word is true and sincere (a message of truth, v. 17). As kingdom children, we share this sweet smell and invite others to respond to Him. 

11/21 (All Church Thanksgiving Service) Philippians 4:10-19 A Thank You Letter 

11/28 (Pastor Jen shares)



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